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Sickle Cell Education
Sickle Cell 101 (SC101) is a Silicon Valley-based non-profit organization that specializes in sickle cell education for the patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and other key stakeholders affected by sickle cell disease and trait globally.
SC101 uniquely provides educational material primarily through social media. This content is
evidence-based, patient-friendly, easily accessible and inspired by patient input and experiences.

Send in your questions to our sickle cell disease and thalassemia expert
physician Dr. Keith Quirolo, aka Dr. Q.
The 7th Annual Sickle Cell Advocates of the Year (SCAY) Awards is an online event that recognizes and celebrates individuals making an impact for those living with sickle cell disease.
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Congratulations to the

"You all have provided me with so much information. I have learned more from your pages than any doctors visit. Continue to educate us warriors and others."
–Ashley Reed
"I’ve been a mom of a sickle cell warrior for 9 years now and I’ll admit, I don’t always remember all the facts or important details to explain to others about my own son's health. Sickle Cell 101 has helped me stay on track with info, facts, dates, etc."
–Ivy Rice
"Education backed up by facts and reputable sources."
–Kenya Buckley
"Most of my life I’ve felt alone when dealing with sickle cell. Most people in my life don’t have to deal with this. They don’t understand the toll it takes on you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Finding this page has helped me to not feel so alone anymore."
–Rachel Dean
"I love that Sickle Cell 101 shares the Warrior Faces stories. It makes me realize that I’m not alone in my battle with SCD. To be honest, when I’m not feeling well, I peruse through Sickle Cell 101’s Instagram page to distract myself and find comfort."
–Meagan Leathers